Filter Features

The quality of water from the communal pipeline has decreased so much in recent years that more and more people prefer to buy water in bottles. Or they are thinking about how to purify the water from impurities. This is exactly what we will talk about today. The main problem of water from the communal pipeline is a lot of impurities of different types. They have a negative impact on human health. The dominant pollutants are chlorine, mechanical impurities, organic matter (bacteria and microbes).
A doctor from the USA writes about it in his research.The results of scientific work on searching for new approaches to microorganisms show that the use of biological purification technology is promising.Ultimately, coal needs to be replaced, but waste coal can usually be buried safely.
Of course, they do not destroy the pollutants, but simply direct them to the sewer system.A potential problem is that organic substances with boiling points close to water temperature can also evaporate and enter the distillate.
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